Driving Directions and Map

From Route 6, take Exit 2 south and follow Route 130 until it ends at a traffic light on Route 28. Turn left at the light, then quickly (300 feet) your first right onto Main Street. Travel a bit less than a quarter mile until you reach a sharp curve marked by yellow pointers. Just after the curve, on your right, is 151 Main Street, about 1/3 mile from Route 28.

From Falmouth, follow Route 28 east toward Hyannis, past the Mashpee Rotary, and after a 2.3 miles you'll see the Route 130 traffic light. Go straight thru, then after 300 feet take the first right onto Main Street, then 1/3 mile to #151 after the curve.
View 151 Main St in blue on map. Press minus sign ( - ) on map to see larger area.